Free JuggleFit Tracker App for iPhone® & iPod® touch

Simply choose the move name and the number of catches you achieved, and an entry will be added to the tracker. Up to 100 entries for each move can be stored, with the oldest entries being removed when exceeding 100. Entries can be easily removed manually with a swipe across the entry and touch of the delete button.
Share your juggling progress with the optional ‘Tweet Progress’ feature. When enabled, you will have the option to have the app tweet your progress for you in a predefined format. The JuggleFit Tracker also displays the most recent tweets generated from users of the app, making it fun to compare notes on what other are working on. This is a great way to get motivated as well as motivate others!
The app also displays practice tips to further your progress and help you get JuggleFit!
New in version 1.2:
- Changed custom move indicator from asterisk to diamond.
- Fixed Tweet function to work with new OAuth authentication.
- Fixed inability to add custom move that happened with iOS 4.0.2 update.
New in version 1.1:
- Ability to deselect predefined moves so they do not display in the progress picker.
- Ability to enter up to 100 custom moves.
- Ability to enter up to 100 progress entries per move.
- Custom names are now sorted along with predefined moves in the progress log and picker.
- Changed ‘Reps’ to ‘Catches’ in progress tracker and tweets.
- Added tracking of joggling miles.
JuggleFit Tracker lets you record the number of catches you get for any juggling move and will optionally post your progress as a Twitter status update. You can choose from a list of pre-defined moves, and enter additional custom move names.
Entering Progress
Use the Cascade(3-Scarf) or Cascade (3-Ball) move to enter catches for the basic juggling pattern taught in the JuggleFit DVDs.
A maximum of 100 progress entries can be stored for each move. When more than 100 entries are submitted for a move, the oldest one will be removed.
Removing Progress
Progress entries can be removed by swiping across the entry and touching the ‘Delete’ button.
Pre-defined Moves
Predefined moves can be removed or added back to the progress picker by choosing ‘Predefined’ in the ‘Settings’ tab.
Custom Move Names
Custom moves names can be entered in the Settings tab. If you remove or change a custom move name, any progress recorded for the old move will also be removed. Custom move names will display at the top of the Progress tab picker. Similarly, when progress is recorded for custom moves, it will be displayed at the top of the progress tracker results.
Twitter Progress Posts
If you enable the Tweet Option in the Settings tab,when entering progress, you will be offered the option to have the app tweet your progress in the following format:
“Got (number entered) catches of (move name entered)”
For predefined moves that contain information in parentheses the tweet will display the information in parentheses before the move name. So Cascade(3-Ball), would display in the tweet as 3-Ball Cascade.
Viewing Tweets
Progress tweets may take some time to appear in the Tweets tab, which displays all tweets with the #jugglefit hashtag.