Cardio in a Box™ The Ultimate Office Fitness Accessory
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Cardio in a Box Brings the Workout Straight to Your Desk!

Cardio in a Box Brings the Workout Straight to Your Desk!
- Set of 3 Fitness Squares™ to use in office exercises for cardio, strength & stretch.
View sample exercises >> - Eco-friendly pop-up dispenser box to hold & display squares on desk (4 inches square), with fastening sticker.
- Instruction Booklet with Exercises using 1, 2, or 3 Fitness Squares
- Link to online video demonstrations of all exercises in booklet & more!
Cardio in a Box™ is the ultimate office fitness accessory that makes it easier than ever to keep active during your work day. Do simple calorie-burning moves by grabbing one, two or three Fitness Squares™ from the pop-up dispenser that looks great on your desk. Instruction booklet and online videos included! Fit in small bouts of exercise thoughout your day with Cardio in a Box™ and watch them quickly add up to the recommended 30 minutes of daily exercise. Examples of exercises contained in the fully-illustrated product booklet with accompanying online video demos:
– Full-Arm Figure 8 Trace a wide sideways Figure 8 pattern with a Fitness Square one arm at a time; great when on the phone or watching a webinar. Provides light cardio and works shoulders, arms, back, core.
– Overhead Throw with Squat Throw one Fitness Square overhead while descending into an easy squat; can be done with or without squat. Works shoulders, arms, back, core.
– One-Handed Circles Throw two Fitness Squares one after the other in a clockwise or counter-clockwise pattern. Provides light cardio and works arms, shoulders and core. Great stress reliever that helps reset and refocus.
You can also do stretches and light resistance exercises with Fitness Squares. The Cardio in a Box exercise page will be updated with new exercises so you can add them to your work day. View the exercises page >>